Monday 12 June 2017

Carnamah an 'Inspiring Example' in Participatory Heritage

Back in 2015 we had a chat over Skype with Courtney Ruge, a postgraduate student at Monash University. We've just discovered that some of our insights have contributed to the chapter Custodianship and Online Sharing in Australia in the book Participatory Heritage, which was published in London earlier this year.

A portion of the chapter reads:

"In spite of the issues that appear to be prevalent within the majority of local Australian historical societies, there are examples that demonstrate the potential benefits of image sharing. The Carnamah Historical Society ('Carnamah'; provides an inspiring example of what can be achieved when a historical society embraces online platforms. Carnamah believes that its collections belong to the public, having been freely donated to the Society by members of the public, and has significantly raised its profile due to its take-up of social media, making use of an extensive array of platforms including Facebook, Twitter, a blog, Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr. Carnamah also facilitates audience engagement, encouraging collaboration and co-curation by facilitating the contribution of stories about the images featured. As a result of these efforts, the Society won the 2015 Western Australian Heritage Award and is now featured in Landmarks, a permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Australia."

Participatory Heritageedited by Henriette Roued-Cunliffe and Andrea Copeland, was published by Facet Publishing in London, England in 2017.

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