Wednesday, 27 May 2015

WA Parliament and two Highly Commended in the MAGNAs

On Thursday 21 May 2015 we were honoured in the lower house of the Western Australian Parliament. Shane Love, the MLA for Moore, spoke about our endeavours and successes for 90 seconds, which can be watched below or on YouTube.

The following day, on 22 May 2015, the annual Museums and Galleries National Awards (MAGNAs) took place in Sydney. We are delighted to reveal that we received two Highly Commended awards for our Australian Curriculum resources and Virtual Volunteering program.

Shiona Herbert and Andrew Bowman-Bright in Sydney with our two awards

Our thanks to Shane Love for his encouraging words and to Museums Australia for the two prestigious awards. We'd also like to thank the supporters of our now award-winning projects: the Department of Culture and the Arts, the Western Australian History Foundation and the Government of Western Australia's Social Innovation Grants Program.

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