Friday 19 September 2014

For Sale: The Marchagee Estate in 1909

Henry Charles Armstrong, while working as a successful chemist in Perth, established three farms at Marchagee in the Coorow district. The three properties were known as the Marchagee Estate, Mamboobie Estate and Pocamaya Estate.

With continued ill-health Henry decided to sell his Marchagee farms and made arrangements with a Perth auctioneer to sell them on 25 November 1909. The farms were so highly regarded that a promotional booklet was produced and distributed. Featured below are the text and images for the Marchagee Estate, which came with a bonus 28,000 pastoral lease at no extra charge!

The whole of the timber has been ringbarked for several years, and 200 acres are in process of clearing for cultivation next year.

Ample provision has been made for water, there being three fine dams 2,500, 1,200, and 600 cubic yards respectfully, also one well with an unlimited supply of pure water fitted with windmill, tanks, and troughing.

The building include comfortable residence of eight rooms, large grain and machinery shed 150 x 80 feet, six-stall stable and loose-boxes, men's quarters, harness-room, blacksmith's shop, etc., etc.

Adjoining the C.P. land is a pastoral lease of 28,000 acres of excellent sand plain, which is invaluable as a change for stock during portion of the summer months. This lease will be given with the C.P. lands.

The whole of the stock now on the estate are in magnificent condition, testifying to the excellent fattening properties of this fine piece of country.

As a country home this property has many advantages. Its elevation of 1,096ft. above sea-level ensures cool nights throughout the summer and a perfect climate. Every Thursday a train leaves Marchagee at 1 a.m., while there are two train a day on two days a week and one train a day each way on the other days.

Henry Armstrong died three days before the auction of his three "magnificent farming and grazing properties" however the auctions went ahead in accordance with his wishes. His Pocamaya Estate was purchased by Samuel B. Rudduck and became part of Koobabbie Farm. The above Marchagee Estate and the Mamboobie Estate were reported to have been sold to a Perth merchant by the name of John P. Doscas but by 1910 were owned by Samuel C. Emery.

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