Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Coorow Parrot to rival Carnamah's "Bonny" Cow

For years we have promoted the story of Bonny, the popular cow of Carnamah's 1920s baker Leslie Trotter, who is featured in our virtual exhibition Milk, Cream & Butter. So great was she endeared that when she died an obituary appeared in The Irwin Index, a weekly newspaper produced in Mingenew.

Saturday 21 May 1927

"Bonny," Carnamah's well known cow, the property of Mr A. L. Trotter, died of inflammation on Monday evening last. Bonny's placid gait and amicable aspect made her a familiar figure to the people of Carnamah as she wandered peacefully around the town. So well-known did Bonny become that she almost became an institution, and when she died the people of Carnamah discussed her going with almost as much regret as a human.

Little did we know that, during the same decade, Bonny had a rival - the Coorow Parrot! The parrot belonged to Coorow storekeeper Heinie Bothe and its death made the columns of another local newspaper...

Thursday 1 April 1926

Death of the Coorow Parrot. The Coorow parrot was as familiarly and well known with travellers and others passing through Coorow as the member for the district, the culy difference between the two - politically - was their loquaciousness.

But it is sad to relate - and many will regret the news that the poor old chap passed away a few weeks ago at the ripe age of 30 years. Mr Bothe, the owner, has had this remarkable bird of African origins for over 26 years, and many a tempting offer has been made for him. Indeed, you displeased the owner if you did covet the bird. He was a fluent conversationalist, sensible and witty in repartee, used no bad language, and greeted everyone with a respect which he himself commanded.

His bosom pal was the old dog belonging to Mr Bothe, and would order, command and advise in an amicable manner. Great was the grief of the household when one morning he was found dead in his cage. He was buried under the peach tree in the yard, and a small tablet will always remind passers-by of many a pleasant half hour spent with the grey parrot of Coorow.

To our Coorow readers, we must ask, can anyone recall seeing the tablet or know if it is still in existence?

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