Wednesday 3 April 2013

Listen to Carnamah's History from 6PR Interview

Andrew S. Bowman spoke with Steve Gordon on The Way We Were program on 6PR 882 AM radio on Sunday evening 3 March 2013. For half an hour the airwaves were filled with talk of Carnamah's history and development along with what the Carnamah Historical Society has been up toWe're pleased to make a recording of the interview available online via the below link.

"Carnamah has one of the best documented histories, in fact I would go as far as to say the best documented history in Australia, certainly on a website available to the public and that's thanks to an extremely passionate historical society."  - Steve Gordon.

The MP3 audio file of the interview is available at

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JanEss said...

Excellent! Thanks for sharing, Andrew.

Andrew Bowman-Bright said...

You're very welcome

Tracy said...

Interesting listening to such a well-informed enthusiast of their local history. Interviewer seemed very on the ball about Carnamah too. Thank you for letting us share the love you have for your hometown area and it's people!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tracy, we're glad you enjoyed it.