Friday, 26 April 2013

Centenary of the Carnamah townsite

The Carnamah townsite has now existed for a century! It was gazetted on 25 April 1913 and on ANZAC Day this year it turned 100. Back in 1913 the First World War had not yet begun and both the Midland Railway Company and the State Government were optimistic that a townsite would be needed.

We've rounded out our virtual museum by adding a mini-exhibit on the Carnamah townsite which can be seen at

The centenary will be celebrated in conjunction with the North Midlands Agricultural Show over the weekend of Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September 2013. If you're interested in attending please register your interest and contact details with

From "Townsite, Carnamah" held by the State Records Office of Western Australia
Consignment No. 1778, Item No. 1911/10126 Volume 1

Minute Paper for the Executive Council

I recommend the Cabinet to advise His Excellency the Governor in Council to approve of the cancellation of Reserve 2328 and of the area lately comprised therein being classified as Town and Suburban and set apart to form a Townsite hereafter to be known and distinguished as "Carnamah".

Also of Lots 3 and 4, 35, 36, 54, 55, 63 and 64 being excepted from leasing and occupation as Reserve 14734 and of the lots enumerated in Schedule page 32 being made available for leasing subject to the conditions and at the prices quoted therein.

See for more on the Carnamah townsite

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