Tuesday 2 January 2018

Now online - 10863 Bushranger presented by Act-Belong-Commit

In 2017 the North Midlands Project and The Bank Gallery Space in Carnamah hosted Di Taylor as their inaugural artist-in-residence. One of the outcomes of Di's residency was a series of artworks exploring the life and stories of our local bushranger Frank Thomas.

The artworks created by Di Taylor culminated in the exhibition 10863 Bushranger presented by Act-Belong-CommitThe exhibition was launched at The Bank Gallery Space in Carnamah and toured to both the Sunshine Festival in Geraldton and to the historic Fremantle Prison in Perth.

Incredibly, the exhibition about this largely unknown bushranger reached over 23,000 people within its first four months! We're delighted to announce that we recently played a role in bringing the exhibition to even more people by reproducing it within the Virtual Museum on our website. You can now check it out online via the below link...

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