Sunday 7 October 2012

Centenary of the Perenjori State School

In 1911 agricultural settlement began in a new district east of Carnamah which became known as Perenjori. Prior to being connected by rail the best way to get to Perenjori was by the Midland Railway to Carnamah and then inland by road to Perenjori. For this reason the Perenjori settlers initially gave their addresses as Perenjori via Carnamah. These settlers were soon desirous of securing a state school for their children.

Perenjori celebrated its school's centenary and its district now being over 100 years old over the weekend of 29-30 September 2012. The below images show some of the initial correspondence which eventually led to the establishment of the Perenjori State School in 1912.

The first piece of correspondence in the official file relating to the school's establishment.
State Records Office of WA: Perenjori - Establishment, Item 1911/3896, Consignment 1653.
transcription below...

Education Department
Halsbury Chambers, Howard Street, Perth
July 19, 1911


A deputation consisting of Mr S. F. Moore, M.L.A., and Messrs Wittman, Wyatt, and Fullerton saw me with with reference to the establishment of a school at Perenjori, 40 miles N. E. of Carnamah and 60 miles north of Dalwallinu. The district is scattered, but it appears that they have 18 children within a radius of 5 miles. I have them a form of application for the establishment of a school, and also the regulations re children riding and driving to school, and the regulations re S. P. D. schools. Any correspondence on the matter should be addressed to Mr C. L. Wittman, Perenjori, via Carnamah, Midland Railway. Jas. P. Walton, Acting Inspector General of Schools.

From The Western Mail newspaper, Friday 1 November 1912

The school opened ten days after the above article - on 11 November 1912. The first teacher was Mrs Florence L. England whose husband had taken up prospective farmland.

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