Monday, 14 May 2012

We're Recruiting Virtual Volunteers!

We are a small organisation hoping to keep up the pace at doing big things, and request your assistance whether you are near or afar!

The team working on preparing information for the Coorow-Waddy, Carnamah-Winchester and Three Springs databases presently stands at a grand total of two - it's highest number to date! We are very keen to increase the content and and names represented in this rich and nationally unique resource.

We are hoping to index Commonwealth Electoral Rolls for the subdivision that our districts fell within. The benefit is that instead of having a massive pile of electoral rolls we will have a list of names, their occupation, address and the range of years they were enrolled. This information can then be directly and very quickly added to the databases.

So how can you help? We will send you electoral roll images and you simply add the details to an online document. If the details are already there (from an earlier or later roll) then you only need to add the year! We will be very happy to acknowledge all assistance received on our sources page.

If you'd like to assist, or would like to know more, please send an e-mail to

Update 20/08/2013:
You can now volunteer online at our Virtual Volunteering website


Roxy East said...

Andrew im willing to help, it sounds a bit complicated but if I can get my head around it and my brain into gear then I can sure give it a go, PM me if your interested.

Andrew Bowman-Bright said...

It's extremely easy! I'll send you a message now :)